If your child will soon be making the transition from a child daycare center to a preschool, then like most parents, you are likely worried about how your child will handle the change-up in their daily routine. If they will be attending daycare right up until the first day they attend preschool, then you may not just worry about how they will adjust to the preschool, but also how they handle leaving old friends at their daycare facility. There are many steps you can take now to greatly ease the transition for your little one, so read on to learn some do's and don'ts to helping your toddler cope with switching from a daycare center to a new preschool. 

Don't: Wear Your Worried and/or Sentimental Feelings on Your Sleeve

The truth is that you may be feeling more concerned about the transition your child is taking than they may be. Even if you typically wear your emotions on your sleeve, showing your child that you are worried about the change-up they are about to take or feeling very sentimental about your child's next big step in life could lead to them feeling worried when they may not had been to begin with. 

Now is a time to play it calm and cool, and while you should be very responsive to any worries they may voice to you about the big change, make sure they don't see you visibly emotional about the transition. 

Why? While you may know that you are just feeling sentimental about the fact that your little one is growing up, your child could see you crying and interpret the tears the wrong way; they could suspect that you are upset about the change because it is bad or get another message from your emotions that could hinder their smooth transition. 

Do: Plan to Visit the New Preschool Several Times Before Your Child's First Full Day

Children's health professionals recommend that a parent and child visit their new preschool together several times before the child's first full day at the school, especially if a child has a relatively shy personality. If you were to drop a shy child off at preschool abruptly the first day and then leave, they could end up teary eyed and confused in their new surroundings and at the array of unfamiliar faces. 

While it is likely tough to find time in your busy schedule for these visits, it could prevent you having to leave work and pick up an inconsolable child after you drop them off on their first day. 

During the first visit to the preschool, your can plan to have a simple meet and great with their new teachers and child care providers. Even if your child is feeling too shy that day to engage with them too much, by allowing your child to simply see you talking with their new teachers, they can get the strong message that the staff are family friends and not strangers. 

During the next visit, your child's teachers can introduce them to a few fellow students so they can make friends that they also feel are not strangers on their first official day. Ask the childcare/preschool center staff if your child can participate in an activity or two during this visit, and this can give them an introduction to the types of activities they will be performing at the center. 

Once the big day arrives, your child may already then feel like they are meeting up with a group of pre-existing friends instead of entering a building full of strangers. 

If your child will soon be making the transition from a child care center to a preschool, then keep these do's and don'ts in mind to help your child have a smooth transition that prevents tears on their first full day of preschool. Check out http://www.kidscountry.net and talk to your child's educator for more tips. 
