Hiring a nanny can be a lifesaver for busy parents who may have to leave home to go to work. Parents can have peace of mind knowing their children are in professional hands while they are in a nanny's care. When looking at prospective nannies, there are a few things to keep in mind to ensure that they will be the right person for the job. Read ahead for some ideas on what to look for when hiring a nanny

Personality and Character

When looking for a new nanny, considering personality will make all the difference. Ideally, nannies should have a positive attitude and be willing and eager to spend time with children. When meeting prospective nannies, look for a bright and cheery attitude and excellent communication skills. Asking questions and inquiring about daily routines, for instance, will be a significant sign of someone who is great at communicating with others and genuinely interested in the nature of the work. Playfulness is also a helpful trait, especially for those who will be looking after smaller children. A nanny who loves to play games or engage in educational opportunities, for example, would be a great fit for the family. 


One of the most important traits of any great nanny is reliability. For parents who have very busy schedules, for instance, nannies may be expected to spend extended hours with their children. For such parents, looking for a nanny with wide availability is key and should always be communicated during the interviewing process. Letting prospective nannies know ahead of time when family vacations, longer hours, or extra days may be required will allow them to work accordingly to their schedule. Punctuality will also be a very crucial element to this work, so being on time and giving plenty of notice ahead of time for any type of delay is highly encouraged. Applicants who present themselves as highly organized and professional are an excellent sign that reliability is a top priority when working. 

Prior Experience and Safety

Past experience as a nanny is always a plus and showcases an applicant who is highly experienced with taking care of children. For those who have very small children or babies, finding a nanny who is specialized in this age group will be very important to receiving the best care possible. For parents of older children, nannies who are knowledgeable in educational material and activities will be very helpful in keeping children occupied during their stay. Safety knowledge should also be a top priority, with parents ensuring their top priority is hiring a nanny who will know what to do in the case of an emergency. First aid knowledge as well as CPR training will be a must and will guarantee children are in the safest hands possible. 
